In the NGB trademark part, overseas trademark information collected, the purpose of a representative office visits, and made every year inspection business trip around the world. As this year a first step, toward the end of the month - the beginning of the month, UAE and the (United Arab Emirates) the largest city in Dubai, we went to the capital Tehran, the Islamic Republic of Iran. There is also as long as the plane of the paper, but you will not be able to tell you all, in the center of the impressive memories, I think that if you can deliver local air feeling. First of all, we will report from the UAE (Dubai) Customs visit.
Until the UAE of Dubai International Airport, about time with direct flights from Narita. Even the beginning of the month, so you rise up to temperature is 0 degrees nearby during the day, turn from the spring was still aways Tokyo, is the starting action dressed in suits for the summer. Well, it is Dubai, which is enclosed in the Middle East in a word, in fact, was a completely different landscape with our preconceptions.